Words: Boris Bergman
Music: Alain Bashung
for Alice ...
Cendrillon de Chinatown
Cinderella of Chinatown
Faut pas traîner
It's not necessary to drag about
Le bouge où ton père se came
The dive where your father drugged up
C'est du passé
It's in the past
Car la Chine opaline
Because the opaline China
De son vieux cinéma dormant
Of its old sleeping cinema
Opium addict
L'ont endormie pour longtemps
Put her to sleep for a long time
A long time
Tu te fends d'une robe longue
You split your long dress
Sur le côté
Up the side
Mais le monde de Suzie Wong
But the world of Suzie Wong
Il est râpé
Is dead
Car la belle
Because the beauty
Ô belle
Oh beauty
De ce vieux cinéma dormant
Of this old sleeping cinema
L'a engloutie pour longtemps...
Drowned her for a long time
A long time
Au milieu des Hills et de Beverly
In the middle of Hills and Beverly
Dans un ciné désert
In a cinema desert
Une chinoise de quinze ans vend du pop-corn
A 15-year-old Chinese girl sells popcorn
Dans un kimono vert
In a green kimono
Elle se voit déjà
She sees herself already
Cendrillon de Chinatown
Cinderella of Chinatown
Et la Chine héroïne
And heroine (heroin) China
Se perd derrière ses paravents
Is lost behind its partitions
Je me mine
I'm wearing down
Je m'abîme
I'm damaged
Mes rêves
My dreams
N'en ont plus pour longtemps...
Have nothing more for a long time
A long time
Pourtant ...
However ...
Cendrillon de Chinatown
Cinderella of Chinatown
From top to bottom: Grauman's Chinese Theatre, LA; DVD- The World
of Suzie Wong; Nancy Kwan as Suzie Wong; and a photograph of former
Mee Yee Loo Bar in Los Angeles, read about this time in LA at this link,
From top to bottom: Grauman's Chinese Theatre, LA; DVD- The World
of Suzie Wong; Nancy Kwan as Suzie Wong; and a photograph of former
Mee Yee Loo Bar in Los Angeles, read about this time in LA at this link,
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